˻ MRI CT ٸ ˻鿡 ΰ پ (ischemic stroke)ȯ ܿ Ư ϴٰ ˷ ֽϴ.
CT˻ ȯڵ 95% ˻翡 ̻ Ÿ Ǿ ֽϴ.
, CT˻ Ÿİ ް ϰ , Ÿİ ް ϴ ̴ Ư¡Դϴ.
̴ ų 鼭 ش ǰ ϸ, ش Ҿ鼭 ش ĸ뵵 Դϴ.
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츮 Ǽ Ż ̾ ° ȯԴϴ. Ư 1990 ߹ Ѿ鼭 ް ϰ ֽϴ. κ ߿ ̳ ü ʰ ֽϴ. ̷ ȭ ȸ ռ , ֽϴ.
Ը ߽ ڷ KSR(Korean Stroke Registry) 츮 ϴ տ 64 ̿ ϰ ҷδ , 索, , ŷ ϴ.
ٵ ܰ ߿䵵 ſ ȯ̹Ƿ 40̻ ̶ ˻翡 ̻ ľ ʼԴϴ.
κо Eric Bravermanڻ Brain Disease 'Wellness Manual' մϴ.
"Ĵ ȯ ܻӸ ƴ϶ ġῡ ־ մϴ. ˻ Ȳ CT scanning, MRI, neuropsychiatric testing ˻ ΰ ر ܰ ˷ ֽϴ. ɰ ൿֳ 쿡 ־ ˻ ʼԴϴ. ˻ ü ǰ Ϻημ 鿡 մϴ. ߿ ̰ ġ Դϴ. ǰ ߿ Դϴ."
* ˻ 'CANS 3000' ϰ ֽϴ.
CANS 3000 !
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