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  • Comparison of lower limb muscle activation with ballet movements (releve and demi-plie) and general movements (heel rise and squat) in healthy adults, , ȭ, J. Physical Therapy Science, 28, 2016

  • ε ġ ȭ Ȱ м, °, J.Korean Soc.Hazard Mitig. Vol16, No.3 pp.133~141, 2016.06

  •  ̰ ʵл Ŀ нɷ¿ ġ ⡱, ̵, , , ﱳб ѱʵ Vol.27, No.1, 2016.03

  • "ũ ߸ Ű γ Ư ȭ", , մ, ڻ, 2015.02

  • ǵ Ʒ ADHD ִ л , Ӽ ADHD ġ ȿ, , ϴб ɸа , 2015.02

  • ڼ ߸Ҿ ڿ бٰ ߵб Ȱ , , ̼, , ѱġȸ  Vol.22 No.1 pp.1-8, 2015

  • Ʒθ ȿ Ű , ߷¿ ġ ȿ, , б ȣа ڻ, 2015.02

  • ߺ Ҿ ȯ ο- Ȯ ̿ üȭ ȿ , ȣ, 輱, ѱġȸ Vol.22 No.1 pp.37-48, 2015

  • " ", , ɸа, ڻ, 2015.02

  • "Differences in eating behaviors and masticatory performances by gender and obesity status", ڼ, ſ, Physiology & Behavior 138 pp.69-74, 2015.

  • "¿ Ī Ȱİ ݰ ̿ ġ ", ̶, Ǿ ɸа, , 2015.02

  • "Effects of Pulsed Magnetic Field on Acupoint Yongquan(KI1) Using Electroencephalogram Analysis", , ѹǷа, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Vol.50, No.11, 2014.11

  • "The Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Manual Lymph Drainage on Physiological Responses in Subjects with Psychological Stress", , DZб а, ڻ, 2014.02

  • "Baduk(the Game of Go) Improved Cognitive Function and Brain Activity in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", 輼, Ѵ, ̿, س, , ѻȣ, J2014 Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2014

  • "ݷ ٵ ڱؿ Ȱ ȿ", 5, ѱŰɸġȸ Vol3. No2, 2014

  • Effect of Treatment Table Height on Shoulder Muscles during Ultrasound Therapy Work,, ι, ȣ, J.Phys.Ther.  Sci. 26:1615~1617, 2014.04

  • "â Ŀ ġ ⿡ ", ȫȭ, 赿, , ѻȣ, ȣ, , ѱŰɸġȸ Vol3. No2, 2014

  • 뷡Ȱ ߵ Ȱ ȭ ġ , , ڴб ġа ڻ, 2014.12
  • ĸ ̿ ָ ˻ Ž, ż, мȸ Vol.8, No.2, 111~119, 2014

  • Comparison of muscle activity between two adult groups according to the number of Shaker exercise, H.S WOO, SY, WON, KY CHANG, J. Oral Rehabilitation, 41:409-415, 2014

  • ѱ ǻ α׷ CoTras ȯ ° Ŀ ġ ȿ, , ƿ, , â, ۾ġȸ Vol.22 No.4 pp.61-75, 2014

  • Effect of Treatment Table Height on Shoulder Muscles during Ultrasound Therapy Work, , ι, ȣ, , J.Phys.Ther.Sci.26:1615~1617, 2014.04

  • "dz Ʒ , γ Ȱ ġ ", ӿ, մпб а, ڻ, 2013.08.

  • "3D üȿ Ƿε 迬: ", , ⿵, Ѹ а, , Journal of korea Game Society 2013 Jun; 13(3): 5-18, 2013.06

  • "Neurolinguistic Processing of English as an L2 in Early and Late Bilinguals as Reflected by Event-Related Potentials", , հб а, , 2013.12

  • "A new dual-frequency stimulation method to increase the number of visual stimuli for multi-class SSVEP-based brain-computer interface (BCI)", Ȳ, 赿ȯ, â, âȯ , Brain Research, vol. 1515, pp. 66-77, 2013 (SCI, IF=2.828), 2013.

  • "Classification of binary intentions for individuals with impaired oculomotor function: Eyes-closed SSVEP-based brain-computer interface (BCI)", ȯ, Ȳ, â, ⿵, âȯ , Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 10, no. 2, Art.no. 026021, 2013 (SCI, IF=3.415), 2013.

  • "Development of an SSVEP-based BCI spelling system adopting a QWERTY-style LED keyboard", Ȳ, ȯ, , , ̻, âȯ , Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 208, pp. 59-65, 2012 (SCI, IF=1.959), 2012.

  • "Classification of visual stimuli with different spatial patterns for single-frequency, multi-class SSVEP BCI", â, Ȳ, âȯ , Electronics Letters, vol. 49, pp. 1374-1376, 2013 (SCI, IF=1.068), 2013.

  • "Evaluation of feature extraction methods for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces in terms of robustness to slight changes in electrode locations", ڼ, Ȳ, ȯ, ȣ, , âȯ , Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 51, pp. 571-579, 2013 (SCI, IF=1.5), 2012.

  • "Effects of Massage on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Heart Rate Variability in Middle Age Women of Office Worker", , ̿, Journal of Experimental and Biomedical Science, Vol.19  No.1, 2013.

  • "ü ְ ڱ ", ȫ, , ѱȸ , Vol.23  No.1, 2013.

  • The Influence of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on the HRV in Healthy subjects, ȣ, , J.Phys.Ther.Sci.26:633~635, 2013.11

  • ҿ ADHD Ƶ ǰü° ߷, Ŀ ġ , , ߾Ӵ а ڻ, 2013.08
  • ġ ۾ ̺ ̿ ô߱⸳ Ȱ м, , ȣ, J.Korean, Soc.Phy. Med. 8(3):289~294, 2013

  • μ ı ȣл ൿ ȿ, ָ, λб ȣа ڻ, 2013.02

  • ȯ ˰ Ž Ŀ ġ , Ƚó, 豤, , , ۾ġȸ Vol.21 No.1, 2013

  • ڼ ȯ ذ ü Ȱ ġ ⡱, ̰, , ⿬, ȯ, ۾ġȸ, Vol.21 No.2, 2013

  • "Effects of 60Hz magnetic fields on teenagers and adults", Sung Kean Kim, Deok Won Kim , Environmental Health (SCIE, IF=2.714), 2013.
  • "Maternal epileptic seizure induced by Pentylenetetrazol : Apoptotic neurodeqeneration and decreased GABA receptor expression in prenatal rat brain", , Muhamma d lmran Naseer, Li shupeng, Molecular Brain (SCI, 2013), 22 June 2009.

  • "1/f ĵ ûڱ κ Ư ǥ ġ ɰ ", ż, մпб а, ڻ, 2013.02.

  • "ü ٳѱ α׷ ʵл ݼ, ڱ Ű濡 ġ ", , дпб а, ڻ, 2013.02.

  • "󺥴 ΰ Ŀ ġ ", ѳ, , Ǿа, , Vol.15  No.4, 2012.12
  • The Intramuscular Activation of Scapular Stabilizing muscles during push-up plus and PNF exercises in a quadruped position, ڵ, , J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 25:371~374, 2012.11

  • " Ź ڱ ο к Ȱ ġ ", ƶ, ȿ, ̽º, , ѱŰȰȸ Vol.2, No.1 ,2012.

  • "ħ dzȯ ĺȭ ġ ", , б а, , 2012.02.

  • " Ŀ ġ ", ѳ, , Ǿа, , ȸ Vol. 22 No.8, 2012.08.

  • "BEMS-origins of electromagnetichypersensitivity to 60 Hz magnetic fields", Deok won Kim , bioelectromagnetics (SCIE, IF=2.021), 2012.

  • "Ѿ ɹں̵ Ʈ ̿Ͽ ġ ӻ ȿ", 躴, , Ȳ, ǻȸ, Vol. 26 No.4, 2012.

  • "± α׷ ӻ Ʈ ҿ ġ ȿ", ڹ, 泲б 긲а, ޾ ȹ , 2012.06.

  • "ٸ̿Ͽ Ƿ ̿ȿ ġ ", ڰ, Ǵб ȭаа, ڻ, 2012.06.

  • "ѹ(۰) ƹ() ̿ û() ߷ ȿ ", 躴, , ǽŰȸ, Vol. 23 No.2, pp.33-48, 2012.

  • "Ű׽ÿ ġ 10-RM ݺȽ iEMG MPF ġ ", ̺, ѿȸ  м Vol.14  No.4, 2012.10 

  • "Change in the electroencephalogram delta wave in the frontal cranial region of rats with the hyperventilation", Hyun Ju Choi, Young SiK Kim, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology(SCI, IF 2.242 2012), Vol.181, pp.177-182, 2012. 01.

  • "Feasibility and Test-Retest Reliability of an Electroencephalography-Based Brain Mapping System in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Investigation",
    Department of Physical Therapy and Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University ect., Joshua You, Atchives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation(SCI, IF 2.254 2012), Vol93, May 2012.

  • Analysis of Electromyographic Activities of Ankle Muscles at Different Levels of Instability of Unstable Surfaces, ȣ, J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 24:1333~1335, 2012.08

  • " ġ ڱ ĺм ", Ȳ°, âб а, ڻ, 2012. 07.

  • "ڱ Ʈ : ߽", , ȿ, ѱ̵̹ȸ ̵̹ Vol.11  No.2, 2012.08

  • "±ǵ ð ɻƷ ʵб г Ƶ Ȱȭ ġ ", , âб üа, ڻ, 2012.02.

  • "SUKIü Ź ڱ Ŀ ġ ", ȯ, δб ǰ濵п üа, , 2012. 2.

  • The Intramuscular Activation of Scapular Stabilizing muscles during push-up plus and PNF exercises in a quadruped position, ڵ, , J.Phys.Ther.Sci.25:371~374, 2012.11

  • Analysis of Electromyographic Activities of Ankle Muscles at Different Levels of Instability of Unstable Surfaces, ȣ, , J.Phys.Ther.Sci.24:1333~1335, 2012.08

  • 𷡳ġᰡ ADHD л -ƯҾȰ ļġ ġ ȿ, , б Ƶа . 2012.06

  • Լ Ʒù ȭ, , 蹮, , Journal of Korean Society of Physical Therapy Vol.24 No.2, 2012.04

  • "꣡ ɹں̵(HRV) ġ ", 躴, , ǽŰȸ, Vol.23 No.3, PP.89-98, 2012.

  • "119޴ ⵿ Ʈ ", ȣ, 뱸縯б п а, ڻ, 2012. 2.

  • "3D ޸Ʈ : 2D 3D ߽", ǻ, հб Źа, HCI 2012 мȸ, 2012.
  •  "(Ѩ)ġ Ŀ ġ ", ɹμ,  ǽп üа, , 2012. 2.

  • "MMN ˾ƺ 뱸 ȭ // // ", ־, , ѱġȸ, 2012.

  • " Ƶ ǻ Ȱ α׷ ɰ Brain mapping ġ ", , 縯б а, ڻ, 2012. 2.

  • " PNF  ü Ȱ ġ ", , , 뼺 Űȸ, Vol.9 No.3, 2011.

  • "Study on Calculating Maximum Tangent Length When Driving Super-Highway", ع, ̼, ȫ, ּ, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011.

  • "Study on Influences of Long Tunnel Landscape Images on Driver Response through Virtual Driving Experiment", ع, , ̼, ȫ, ۺ, ö, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, 2011.

  • "  Ȱ ġ ", ȯ, , , 뼺  Űȸ, Vol.9 No.1, 2011.

  • "PNF Ͽ ü Ȱ ġ ", ȯ, , , 뼺 Űȸ, Vol.9 No.3, 2011.

  • "ٷ¿ ", , Źα, ڴ, ѱаȸ, 2011 мȸ, 2011.

  • " Ʒÿ ü Ʈ ȣ ȭ", , Ƿа, , 2011.2.

  • "Comparison of Myocontrol and Force Control Based on Fitts' Law Model", JangWoo Park, Hyunkyu Kim, Woojin Chung and Shinsuk Park, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, 2 Mechatronics and Manufacturing Technology Center Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, International Journal of precision engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.12, No.2 PP.211-217, 2011. 4.
  • "Development of MRI Scanning Technique that is Comfortable for Patients with Anxiety Disorder", Moo-Seong Cho etc.,  Department of Radiological Science, Gyeongsan University College, Gyeongsan 712-718, Korea ect. Journal of Magnetics 16(4), PP.350-362, Oct. 2011.
  • "Origins of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity to 60 Hz Magnetic Fields: A Provocation Study", Deok Won Kim etc.,  Department of Medical Engineering, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea ect. Bioelectromagnetics, 2011.

  • "ռ 10 ũ ÷ ĺм", ΰ, Ǵб ȭаа Ƽ, ڻ, 2011.12.

  • "׿  Ʈ ޽Ľð ٷ¹, ݺȽ, ѿ ġ ", ۻ, б üа, ڻ, 2011.12.

  • "Ƶ Ƶ θ Ʈ ļġ ġ 𷡳ġ ȿ", ξ, б Ƶа Ƶ ɸġ, , 2011.

  • "Comparison and Evaluation of Robotic Strength Rehabilitation Algorithms", Kyu-Jui Cho, Conference Publications, IEEE 438-441, 11-13 Aug, 2011.

  • " ̷ нµ ȭ м", ȣ, , ѱȸ, Vol.11 No.4, 2011.11.

  • "Ʈ Է½ ν¸ Ƿε ٰݰ 輺 򰡿 ", Ѹб ǰдп Ȱġа ġ, 2011.12.

  • "޽ ȯ濡 ǰ ", , , , ѻȣī̽Ʈ а, ()LGȰǰ ̳뺣̼, (), Vol.14, No.3, pp.395-402, 2011.09.

  • " γ Ư ", ¼մпб аڻ, 2011.08.

  • "(Citrus aurantiifolia) Ŭκ(Eugenia caryophylla) Ŀ ġ ", ̻б ȭа, 2011.08.

  • " ̿  ", ȫ, ѿ , ѱȸ, Vol.21  No.10, 2011.

  • "ħⰡ Ŀ ġ ", ż, б а, , 2011.02.

  • Effects of Posture and Acute Sleep Deprivation on Heart Rate Variability, Ki Chang Nam ect. , Clinical Trials Center for Medical Devices, Yonsei University Health System, Seoul ect. Yonsei Med J 52(4), pp. 569-573, July 2011.

  • "ħ ȱ ڰл -wave  ġ ", ӿȣб , 2011.06.

  • "MRI ĵ Ҿ Ҹ Ŀ̺ ", , бп ȭа, ڻ, 2011. 6.

  • "An EEG based real time cortical functional connectivity imaging system", Ȳ, ȯ, , ο, ̿ȣ, âȯ, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Yonsei University, Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science, Daejeon, Korea, International Federation for Medical and Biological EngineeringDOI 10.1007/s11517-011-0791-6, 2011.06.

  • " ", 弮, б ɸа,  Vol14 No.1, 2011. 05.

  • " ģ ó", , , ѱɸȸ, Vol.22 No.2, PP.123-134, 2011.

  • "(Origanum majorana) Ŀ ġ ", ӹ, ѱ̿ȸ, Vol.17 No.5, 2011.

  • "ɹں̵ ڼ ġ ", , ڼ, â, ̻뱸Ǵб ǰ б, ѱп 忬, б ฮб ๰ü, ѱп, Vol.17, No.2, 2011.

  • "Classification of selective attention to auditory stimuli:Toward vision-free brain-computer interfacing", ο, Ȳ, ȯ, ̿ȣ, , âȯ, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Yonsei University, Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science, Daejeon, Korea, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, VOl.197 pp.180-185, 2011.02.

  • "  ü Ȱ ġ ", ڷ, ȯ, , ѹġȸ, Vol.5 No.3, 2010.

  • " Ʈ õ ô ̿ ɼ ", , , ѱΰȸ, Vol.29 No.5, PP.741-750, 2010.10.

  • "ü ȸ Ϳ ġ ", ±, , ѱȸ, Vol.10 No.6, 2010.

  • " ǿ ȯ Ȱ ", , , ȯ, , 뼺 Űȸ, Vol. 8 No.2, 2010.

  • " ȯ 񸶺 ִ ô α Ȱ ġ ", 輱, , , ȯ, , ѱġȸ, Vol. 17 No.2, 2010.

  • "ս ƾ ݼ ׸ Ŀ ġ ", ϴбп üаڻ, 2010.12.

  • " Ʈ õ ô ̿ ɼ ", , ȫʹб а, Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol.29, No.5, pp.741-750, 2010.10.

  • "ûҳ α׷ 뿡 Ȱ ŷ ڱɷ ȭ", մпб ڻ, 2010.08.

  • "ʵб üȰ Ƚ Ȱ Ͽ ġ ", , Ѿб п ɸ, , 2010.08.

  • "ڱֵнɷ α׷ ĺм ", , մпб а, ڻ, 2010.08.

  • "߷Ϲ 嵦  ġ  ֵ iEMG, MEF ٷ ", , ,  м 12 4ȣ, 2010.10.

  • "л Ʒθġ ȿ", ̹, бп üа, ڻ, 2010.

  • "ü ġ ̿ ٹ ۽ ü ȭ", , 뱸б üа, ڻ, 2010. 12.   
  • " ڼ Ŀ ġ ", , â, ڼ, ̻, 뱸Ǵб ǰ б, ѱп 忬, б ฮб ๰ü, ѱп, Vol.16, No.1, 2010.

  • "üȭ α׷ Ѽ Ȱ ġ ", , 뱸бп Ȱа ġ, ڻ, 2010. 12.

  • " ", б ɸа, 2010.

  • "(EEG) ڷ ȿ ", , ѳ Ƽ̵к , Ŀ´̼ : Ϲ 18 1ȣ, pp.273-299, 2010.

  • " γ Ȱ ȭ", ӹ, մпб а, , 2010.06.

  • "Hypersensitivity to RF Fields Emitted From CDMA Cellular Phones: A Provocation Study", Ki Chang Nam etc., Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Ansan, Republic of Korea ect. Bioelectromagnetics 30, PP.641-650, 2009.

  • " -ൿ ġᰡ ȭ ġ ⿡ ", ̿, б ӻ󺴸а, ڻ, 2009. 12.

  • "ûҳ ڱ ߷ ߴ α׷ ȿ", ؿ, , մпб, ûҳп Vol.16 No.9 PP. 1~29, 2009.10.

  • "ǿ Ű Ȱ Ҿȿ ġ ȿ", Ź, Ѿб ȣа, ڻ, 2009.08.

  • "â Ȱ Ʒø", , 漺б а, Journal of the korean data analysis society, V.11 No.3  2009.06.

  • " ޼ ȭ Ư : ǻ ȭ ȭ EEG ˻縦 ߽", ȯ, ûִб ȸп, ѱȸп, Vol.31 No.1 2009. 6. 

  • "Ȱ Ƶ ߷¿ ġ ⿡ ", , , , ۾ġȸ, Vol. 17 No.2. 2009.

  • "Ľȣ ̿ ߷ ӱ", â, ȸ, Vol.9 No.2 2009. 4.

  • "ƿ   ýۿ  ", , ϴбп Ƿа, ڻ, 2009.12.
  • " ߴ Ƶ ൿ ġȿ : м ߽ ", , бп Ȱа, ڻ, 2009.12.

  • "ȣ ȯⷮ ȭ", 迵, ,  ӻ󺴸а, Ǿл, ǰп, Journal of Life Science, Vol.19 No.12 pp.1829~1835, 2009.11.

  • "û Ȱ ġ ", ۿ, ߹̼, б ڿд Ƿа, ѱǷȸ, Vol.11 No.6, 2009.

  • "ð ˰ ó 䱸ϴ ȭ հ", , б üа, ڻ, 2009.12.

  • " ź ݷ° Ȱ ġ ", ä, , ϴб  üа, ѱȸ, Vol.19 No.3 pp.603-610, 2009.

  • "Ŀ Ϲݺ м", ⼼ , ϴб, ѱȸ, Vol.18 No.4 pp.125-133, 2008.
  • "BIS/BAS ü ᰡ Ÿ缺 : Ʈ, ǰ縦 ߽", , б ɸа, ѱɸȸ:ǰ Vol.13 No.4 PP. 923~942, 2008.

  • " ħ ħ ɹں̵(HRV) ġ  ", , 켮бп , ڻ, 2008.08.

         "ֿ Ҿ ɰ A1,A2,Percent Ī ǥ Ư ", ؼ, 纴ȯ, , , Ǵ Űб , Űȸ, Vol.46, No.2, pp.179~184, 2007.

         "ڼ, Ҹ Ŭ ̿ ߺ ġῡ ǥ ȿ ", б üдп , 2007. 12.


         "() ȿ ɸ м", žȭڴб п ڻ, 2007. 07.


         "Detrended fluctuation analysis of resting EEG in depressed outpatients and healthy controls", Jun-Seok Lee, Byung-Hwan Yang, Jang-Han Lee, Hun-Ho Choi, Ihn-Geun Choi, Sae-Byul Kim, Kwandong University, Hanyang University, Chung-Ang University, Hallym University, KIPO, Elsevier, Clinical Neurophysiology, No.118, pp.2489~2496, 2007.


         An EEG-based real-time cortical rhythmic activity monitoring system", Chang-Hwan Im, Han-Jeong Hwang, Huije Che, Seunghwan Lee, Department of Biomedical, Yonsei University, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Inje University, Physiological Measurement, 28, PP. 1101~1113, 2007.


         "ġ ü Ʈ ȿ", ȫ, ΰ а, ѱ±ȸ, Vol.11, No2, pp.31~37, 2007.5.


         "Implementation of 3-Dimensional Game for Developing Balanced Brain-Wave", Beom-Soo Shim, Sung-Wook Lee, and Jeong-Hoon Shin, Dept. of Computer Information & Comminucation Engineering, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea, 5th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications (SERA2007), p.751-758, August, 2007.


         "Design and Implementation of Effective Brain-Wave Data Base (DB)Building System Using the Five Senses", Sang-Hyeon jin, Hyeong-Oh Kwon, Jung-A Lee, and Jeong-Hoon Shin, Dept. of Computer Information & Comminucation Engineering, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea, 5th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications (SERA2007), p.645-652, August, 2007.


         "ȣ  Ȱ а Ȱ ȭ", ؿմпб, ѱɸȸ, Vol.18, No.2, pp.31~44, 2007.


         " Ʒ ü Ȱ ġ ", ؿ, ȫ, ̼, ̽,  ѱп, ѱġ, Vol.18, No.14, pp.413~424, 2007.8

         "Changes of Brain Potentials in Response to Smoking-Induced Stimuli in Smokers", Jang Ki-Won, Lee Jun-Seok, Yang Byung-Hwan, Lee Jang-Han, CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.10 Issue 3 , p460~463, 4p, June, 2007.

         "ߺΰ ߳ dz ȯ ߰ ġ ι, , , ǰ ѹȰа, ѹȰаȸ, Vol.17, No.2, pp.185-198, 2007.4.

         "ڱ ȭ ġ ", ̻, 켮б п ڻ, 2007, 2.

         "ڱ HRV Ư ġ ", ̰, 켮б п ڻ, 2007, 2.

         "𿡼 ɹں̵ ", , 켮б п , 2007, 2.

         "ǻ 콺 Ʈ Ȱ ൵ ", ȯб ȯп , 2006. 12.

         "Accuracy and reliability of ground reaction force system and effect of force platform mounting and environment", ڿλ н, ѱȸ, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1~8, 2007.

         "A Comparison Study on Vagal Stimulation Using Heart Rate Variability", HO Bak, SY Hong, KS Kim, JY Lee, HB Yang, Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Eulji University, 4th. Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, 23th-25th March, 2007.

         "Ʒθ ȭ ġ ", , DZ п , 2007.

  •  "ü 뿡 Ư", ȯ, ûִб ȸп, ѱȸп, Vol.28 No.1, 2006. 7
  • "ѷŹ߰ ϹݽŹ ", ä , ϴб, DZб, ѱȸ, Vol.16 No.3 pp.137-148, 2006.

         " ̿¿ ķ ǰ ȿ", Ͼȷ, Ŵ йڻ, 2006, 12.

         "Ϲ ġ  ֵ Ȱ, Ƿε ٷº", ȫ, üа ڻ, 2006, 12.

         "ͳνùķ͸ ̿ ͳγ Ư", ѱǼ , 2006,9.

         "Interactive mediaμ LED ð ǥ-Ľȣ ̿Ͽ-", ڿ, , б Ȱ [LXPRID-0102] "ȣ Ŀ ¿ ġ ȿ", ؿ, ȣ, ѱɸȸ, 17 4ȣ, pp.117-133, 2006.

         " ħ ¾ 嵵 ġ  , , , , ǰ ѹȰа, ѹȰаȸ, Vol.16, No.3, pp.83-92, 2006.7.


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         "ħ ȭ ȿ м", , , , , ǰ ѹȰа, ѹȰаȸ, Vol.16, No.2, pp.131-143, 2006.4.

         " ̰ ô  α Ȱ ġ ", ڿ, ܱ Ưа , 2006, 6.

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:Ŀ ̵
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